Thursday 4 December 2014

Dyeing your armpit hairs is a fashion disaster

Hey girls
 growing your arm pit is in fashion now a days to me its a gross a complete disaster! its gives such disgusting feeling how such disgusting act can be the part of fashion! eww
Now the next thing we know we'd have xtenso and re-bonding being offered for those hair. Fashion has no limits, right? 
but it should have we should condemn being muslims we should as in islam growing your arm pit is not appreciated you should have cleanliness either shave them off either trim. we don't remove armpit hair because of social pressure because no one gonna cm & c weather we have Armpit hair or not its all about our personal hygiene
It is said in Islam safai nisf emaan hai. i dont know whts wrong with people they are too fashion holics these days that they dont even look at the prespectives like hygeine factors.Arm pit hair hair r same as women having a beard. Men dont shave as its feminine. Sum shave for being neat n feeling clean. Its not lady like to have arm pit hair. Its simply gross

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