Tuesday 23 December 2014

Stay strong pakistan its not over yet!

Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, the interior minister of Pakistan said that information has been received which hints out that terrorists are getting ready to strike again and carry out one more deadly attack, similar to the Peshawar attack.
While addressing to the media, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said:  “We will have to stay alert to thwart another possible terrorist act.”
He added that the nation of Pakistan should be aware of the fact that the country is in a state of war and asked the people to stand by the Pakistan Army. “The enemy is not from outside, it is from within.”
He further added that the counter terrorism policy of the government will be shared with the nation.
Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said that it will be wrong to call all the students of the seminaries terrorists, and over 90 percent of the total Madaris operating in Pakistan have nothing to do with terrorisms related activities.
He appreciated the Ulema and extended his gratitude to them for condemning the Peshawar attack.
To tighten up the security, he called upon the cellular service providers to desist from issuing illegal SIMs. He said that a terror case will be registered against the company, if its SIM is used to launch the terrorist attack.
He also instructed the hotel owners to verify the credentials of the guests before checking them in for the stay.
Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan remarked that Pakistan Army is a highly responsible institution which adheres to the Islamic principles and they would never harm women and children. “The parameters of the Pak Army’s actions are very well defined.”
A phone number will be provided to the people that will enable them to report about any suspicious activity, item or a person they come across. He appealed to each and every citizen to step forward and play his or her role to fight against terrorism.
Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan directed the SHOs to stay informed about the activities going on in their designated areas. He also ordered the DPOs to carry out search operations in sensitive areas.

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