Thursday 18 December 2014

slaughtering of innocents in peshawar

One of the teacher at army public school warsak shared a heart breaking story about what she saw when the terrorist attached army public school in peshawar. she told that " i was inside the auditorium, it was exams after party of 9th and 10th grade, terrorist entered and started firing, many of the kids died infront of my eyes cant even explain my feeling what i was going through i even helped some of the kids to leave from the door nearer to them, as terrorist saw some kids leaving so they opened fire towards us many died around me. Hasnat was the kid that was infront of me and i dint die because of him he took my bulllet. I laid down on floor ans acted as if i am dead i kept my duppata on my face as the terrorist approached me they kicked to check if i was alive i pretended to be dead. what i saw laying there helpless i cant sleep for nights. I saw more that 40 kids slaughtered in front of me and i was helpless. May god give sabar to their parents how can someone be inhuman enough to kill such innocent angels

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